
        Thank you for your interest in vertical curriculum alignment. Academic Vertical Alignment Training And Renewal (AVATAR) is a model to create sustained networks for vertical and horizontal curriculum alignment that connect secondary and postsecondary regional institutions, support seamless transition and completion for students preparing for higher education and careers, and decrease the need for postsecondary developmental coursework. AVATAR is designed to engage faculty and administrators in on-going dialog through work groups to conduct horizontal and vertical alignment of curriculum among lower-division course sections and between secondary and postsecondary course sequences.      

         AVATAR will build local and regional vertical curricula alignment networks with the support of at least twelve Education Service Centers, P-16 councils, two- and four-year institutions of higher education, and secondary education systems across the state of Texas. AVATAR is funded by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and is implemented under the leadership of the North Texas Regional P-16 Council and the University of North Texas.      

        Please explore the site to learn more about AVATAR partners, meetings, training resources, and implementation strategies. The AVATAR site is organized through a menu located on the left hand side of the page. To access the files, click on "Files" located in the AVATAR menu. The menu consists of the following folders: Meetings, Partners, Pilot Testing, Training of Trainers/Statewide Network, folders for each region in the Statewide Network, Evaluation, Presentations/Reports, Reports to NTRP-16 Council, and Resources. Subfolders are within each folder. When one clicks on a file folder from the AVATAR Menu, the subfolders appear as tabs at the top of the screen. Within the subfolders, all of the files and links are listed. Simply click on the name and the file or website will appear.    

         If you have any questions about the project or have suggestions for the AVATAR network please contact Mrs. Amy Mougey at (940) 565-4916

Best Regards,

Jean Keller and Mary Harris

Co-Project Directors